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Figtree (v2.0.3)

© 2022 The Figtree Project Authors.

Available on GitHub. Released under SIL OFL v1.1.


Some licenses require changes to the source to be explicitely stated. To avoid the need for another, separate webpage for those, they are listed below.

Fluent emoji

  • Changed viewBox from "0 0 32 32" to "2 2 28 28" on some emojis to improve spacing; this breaks a few of them, and that'll be fixed gradually as time goes on;
  • Removed height, width and fill attributes from SVG root, as they're not necessary.

Noto emoji

  • Ran out of patience to create all missing CSS classes – the emojis that lack classes of their own are listed on this diff file;
  • Didn't notice there's a flags folder, under "third-party", so those are missing as well.